Seoul Street Style

Do Koreans all look like they do in the dramas? 

Most often question asked, ever. 

Ever since I set foot in Seoul a few years ago, everybody asks me this question. Are all Koreans good looking? Do they dress up like in the dramas? Do the guys all look that "gay"? 

Well, the answer might bore you. Fashion-wise, Koreans girls and guys dress pretty "uniformly" on everyday basis. You can easily tell what their occupations are by the clothes they wear: college kids in their Converses and versatile jackets, office ladies in neutral-tone one-piece dresses, the ajumas usually in their hiking outfits (hiking is huge in Korea) (seriously they dress the same) (lol). In a way, on average, Koreans care a huge deal about their appearances, but so to as they do not look different from others around. Aka, when some trend catches on, everybody wears it.

(And yes, Korean guys wear really really skinny jeans.)

So, it's usually routine street-style-wise in Korea. On the other hand, the young ever-so-dynamic fashion-aware community in Korea is growing really fast. Coming to Garosu-gil, Sinsadong on weekends and they are everywhere. It is very common for these youngsters to be stopped by photographers and pose in the middle of the street (it is truly the Gangnam Style too FYI). That is, I'd like to believe, is the true face of Seoul's street style. It's bursting young, it's daring and indeed very interesting to observe.

All images via


sloper at: November 29, 2013 at 5:46 PM said...

i visited Seoul once and all you mentioned on this post is super true. i uber love your blog :)

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